The adage 'when in Rome do as the Romans do’ cannot
supersede Islamic laws.
Islam embraces and adopts that which is good and serves the Cause
whilst rejecting anything that goes against it. Travellers are
vulnerable when away from their creature comforts of home. Thirsty,
hungry and fatigued travelers could allow their guard to slip with
small compromises.
Notions like it is “kosher” to eat food of the people of the book, a
superficial assurance in a restaurant menu, accepting the word of a
person serving the food because of his Muslim sounding name must be
rejected. Travel certainly broadens the mind but has inherent
pitfalls which must be avoided.
owned places with Haraam food or alcohol on their menus cannot be
patronized because of the high risk of contamination and Haraam
ingredients that could be lurking in a host of foods such as sauces,
breads, soups, etc.
in several airline catering kitchens have surfaced over the
years. Many do not fully comprehend the true meaning and
requirements of Halaal and rely on the concept “no wine-no
pork equals Halaal.”
short haul flights the safest is a fruit platter ordered in
advance. For long haul flights this can be supplemented with your
own supply of a variety of snack type foods such as nuts, biscuits,
dried fruit, confectionary etc.
Different standards apply in different countries. Whilst locals in
some places may find it acceptable to partake of meals in
restaurants that serve alcohol and some of which could even hold a
Halaal certificate of some unscrupulous local body, remember that
this is taboo in terms of the Shari’ah.
Outside South Africa extensive use of lard and tallow is made as a
shortening agent in breads, rolls and cakes. The fish burger that
you have assumed as safe could contain Haraam animal or pig fat.
Do not abandon your usual high standards on any occasion. Contact
the SANHA helpline - 0861 786 111 to assist you in making your
journey spiritually safer. Ask, ask, ask and if in doubt, leave it
May Allah(SWT) make your journey a safe one, Aameen. |