and intolerance are traits of extremism which unfortunately rears its
ugly head now and again. Some individuals are up in arms over the Halaal
symbol on “their” buns, claiming
this to be a sacrilege and blasphemy against Christianity. In a few
social media posts they allege that the buns have been prayed on and
accuse the retailer concerned of being insensitive especially during
the Easter period.
SANHA does not certify the hot cross buns that created the furore, in
the absence of any comment from the certification body concerned, we
feel constrained to respond on the principle of the matter.
rejects this furore as unwarranted, having no basis or foundation, which
only serves to oxygenate the dying embers of extremism and religious
intolerance from the era of the past which our leaders liberated us
from with great sacrifices.
claim that the hot-cross buns are “an association
to the death of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour”
is factually incorrect. Even mainstream Christian leaders from the Southern
African Catholic Bishops’ Conference have confirmed that “hot-cross
buns” is not a tenet of Christianity.
Halaal mark signifies that the product was produced in a Halaal compliant
facilitywhich is free from Pork, alcohol and non-Halaal materials using
only permitted ingredients. It is misleading and ludicrous to allege
that prayers are read over every hot cross bun.
concur with Father Chris Townsend’s (spokesman for the S.A. Catholic
Bishops’ Conference) sentiments when he says, “we
live in a multicultural society and need more understanding and religious
tolerance. There are a lot more weighty issues to deal with in SA than
a few hot-cross Christians.”
late Pope John Paul II in one of his Vatican documents stated:
Upon the Muslims, too, the Church looks with esteem. They adore
one God, Living and Enduring, Merciful and All Powerful. Maker of heaven
and earth and Speaker to men. They strive to submit wholeheartedly even
to His inscrutable decrees just as did Abraham, with whom the Islamic
faith is pleased to associate itself. Though they do not acknowledge
Jesus as God, they revere Him as a Prophet. They also honour Mary, his
virgin mother. In addition they await the day of judgement when God
will give each man his due after raising him up. Consequently, they
prize the moral life, and give worship to God, especially through prayer,
alms-giving, and fasting.
in the course of centuries many quarrels and hostilities have arisen
between Christians and Muslims, this most sacred synod urges all to
forget the past and to strive sincerely for mutual understanding. On
behalf of all mankind, let them make common cause of safeguarding and
fostering social justice, moral values, peace and freedom.
urge right minded people everywhere, irrespective of their faiths to
focus on the positive teachings and good works of our religious leaders,
to create an environment of mutual respect, understanding and tolerance
of each other's religious values.
a BUN deal.