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South African National Halaal Authority (SANHA)
August 2016 : Thul Qa'dah 1437
Smart epitomizes a slew of qualities including quick intelligence, astuteness, being fashionable and capability of independent action. In the world of smart, we have smart cars, smart phones, smart shoppers, smart chips, smart shopper cards and even smart missiles. More and more products are being manufactured and pitched to this market. In a smart world where quick, fast and efficient responses are the norm and not the exception, smart consumers rely on a smart service, we welcome you to our National Consumer Helpline. By the Grace of Almighty Allah Ta’ala our centralized Helpline continues to fill a vital role in keeping the Ummah informed on Halaal/Haraam issues. Established over 15 years ago, the interactive service is used extensively by housewives, learners, students, the food industry, traders and even other Halaal certifiers. It handles huge volume of queries daily with total numbers exceeding 25 000 per annum. The queries are received via social media which is the new and fastest growing parallel channel, the trusted e-mail and the good old personal telephone call. The enquiries range from the routine status of products which make up the majority to the more complex queries that require research, hot topical issues which sees a short burst of very intensive activity on a specific issue and then there are some which border on the ridiculous. From our files we bring you some of these and our responses. Q. IF A STORE IS CERTIFIED BY SANHA THEN WHAT DOES THAT ENTAIL? A. Certification is not automatically granted to all applicants. Once an applicant communicates its wish to obtain Halaal certification, its ingredients, suppliers, manufacturing processes, documentation, etc. are thoroughly scrutinised by the Applications Department. Audits are not restricted to paper, but physical (on-site) investigations of the Applicants plants as well as their raw material suppliers. Where necessary, a rigorous sanitation and/or replacement of equipment previously used for non-Halaal may be required. SANHA’s Halaal programme is not limited in focus to the product ingredients and manufacturing process e.g. (pig bristle brushes, gelatine cloudifiers) but also seeks utter safety from contamination with Haraam. Thus, policies prohibiting staff and customers from bringing their own beverages on site and using company equipment for their food (refrigerators, microwaves) are also institutionalised. Once the Applications Department is completely satisfied with Halaal compliance, legal documentation is drawn and signed between the parties binding them to the Halaal programme. Certified outlets are regularly inspected. They are required to obtain SANHA permission for any new raw material. New packaging must be authorised by SANHA. The auditor also cross checks the company’s relevant documentation (purchase invoices etc.). Q. DOES SANHA CERTIFY NON-MUSLIM OWNED OUTLETS? IF SO, WHY AND ARE THERE ANY CONDITIONS? HOW CAN YOU TRUST A NON-MUSLIM ABOUT HALAAL? A. Yes, SANHA does certify non-Muslim owned manufacturers and eateries. Certification is based on the Halaal programme which is in place to ensure compliance. An outlet is not certified solely on “trust” but on the application of controls and procedure as we have already mentioned. If a non-Muslim manufacturer deals with meat/meat products this is deemed more critical and consistent daily Muslim supervision is stipulated in addition to the other requirements. Non-Muslim owned eateries are not certified as a matter of course, but only where there exists a Muslim consumer need to where such application is motivated by the Muslim community leadership. In addition to the usual safeguards Muslim supervisory staff will be interviewed and appointed. This will be supplemented with frequent inspections by the SANHA office. Our smart services can be accessed through the following streams:-
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